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how directions group adapts to a changing market

future proofing growth by adapting to a changing market ​Since its founding in 2020, Directions Group has revolutionized sales by integrating strategy, discipline, and opportunity into a scalable, high-performance model. Central to our mission is empowering individuals to unlock their highest potential, using sales as a platform to teach financial literacy, confident communication, and the […]

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the downfall of traditional sales and how we are redefining success

breaking the sales mold and how we are redefining success ​The traditional sales model is increasingly proving to be both costly and inefficient, with businesses facing significant challenges in managing recruitment, training, and escalating customer acquisition expenses. Notably, the average turnover rate in sales roles stands at approximately 35%, leading to substantial losses in productivity […]

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expanding telus smart home reach across canada

growing smart home reach for telus across canada ​A leader in connectivity, Telus sought to expand its footprint into the burgeoning smart home automation sector — a market projected to reach $3.5 billion USD in Canada by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 8.52% expected between 2025 and 2029. To effectively penetrate this market […]

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elevating your brand with custom company merch

how we source smarter and elevate your brand with custom company merchandise Branded merchandise serves as a powerful tool to reinforce company culture, boost team morale, and enhance brand visibility. High-quality, company-specific items such as custom apparel and office essentials not only foster a sense of unity among employees, but also leave a lasting impression […]

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the five key traits of top-performing sales reps

Five essential traits of high-performing sales professionals At Directions Group, we know that success in sales isn’t just about numbers — it’s about developing the right skills and mindset to build lasting relationships and drive sustainable growth. A top-performing sales professional embodies five critical qualities: persistence, adaptability, strong communication, a results-driven mindset, and the ability […]

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