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expanding telus smart home reach across canada

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growing smart home reach for telus across canada

​A leader in connectivity, Telus sought to expand its footprint into the burgeoning smart home automation sector — a market projected to reach $3.5 billion USD in Canada by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 8.52% expected between 2025 and 2029. To effectively penetrate this market and reach new audiences across Canada, Telus collaborated with Directions Group, leveraging our expertise in strategic sales and marketing.​

Our nationwide campaign employed a direct-to-consumer approach, engaging potential customers through real-time, boots-on-the-ground demonstrations that showcased the convenience and benefits of smart home automation. This hands-on strategy not only heightened awareness but also facilitated the adoption of Telus’ smart home solutions among diverse demographics. By meeting customers where they were, we effectively demonstrated how these innovations could enhance their daily lives.​

This partnership not only reinforced Telus’ position in the evolving smart home industry but also laid the groundwork for sustained growth, enabling the company to extend its reach beyond its existing customer base.



Written by Admin Admin

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